List of all town's in Chile with Latitude and Longitude

# Name Country Latitude Longitude Other Language Names
1 Alerce Chile -41.39785970102857 -72.90941209999998 "name"=>"Alerce"
2 Algarrobo Chile -33.36917199958318 -71.6680533 "name"=>"Algarrobo"
3 Alto Hospicio Chile -20.27004780037102 -70.10091620000001 "name"=>"Alto Hospicio", "short_name"=>"Hospicio"
4 Alto Jahuel Chile -33.73200439964291 -70.6843181 "name"=>"Alto Jahuel"
5 Ancud Chile -41.868216201028154 -73.82872249999998 "name"=>"Ancud", "name:en"=>"Ancud", "name:ru"=>"Анкуд", "name:uk"=>"Анкуд"
6 Andacollo Chile -30.232204799320236 -71.08475559999998 "name"=>"Andacollo"
7 Antuco Chile -37.3298086004218 -71.67424089999999 "name"=>"Antuco"
8 Arauco Chile -37.2462480004026 -73.3176399 "name"=>"Arauco", "name:ru"=>"Арауко"
9 Batuco Chile -33.230046599561724 -70.8085254 "name"=>"Batuco"
10 Bollenar Chile -33.569654499615524 -71.21196059999998 "name"=>"Bollenar"
11 Buin Chile -33.7319740996429 -70.7419619 "name"=>"Buin"
12 Bulnes Chile -36.742250700285396 -72.2987216 "name"=>"Bulnes"
13 Cabildo Chile -32.42659089945463 -71.06632989999999 "name"=>"Cabildo"
14 Cabrero Chile -37.0358293003539 -72.4026797 "name"=>"Cabrero"
15 Cachagua Chile -32.57961469947274 -71.453085 "name"=>"Cachagua"
16 Calbuco Chile -41.77121430102983 -73.12753789999998 "name"=>"Calbuco"
17 Caldera Chile -27.067554499505395 -70.8222047 "name"=>"Caldera"
18 Calera de Tango Chile -33.630822399625714 -70.7592987 "name"=>"Calera de Tango", "name:ja"=>"カレラ・デ・タンゴ", "name:ko"=>"칼레라 데 탄고"
19 Calle Larga Chile -32.85526849950813 -70.62604069999999 "name"=>"Calle Larga"
20 Campanario Chile -37.134105300376696 -72.1892045 "name"=>"Campanario"

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