Geocoding Api for forward and reverse search

Blazing fast geocoding open service with world wide coverage and 24x7 Support.Quickly start deploying your apps with our affordable and accurate geocoding api.Support for all languages java, python, php, c, c++, React, Angular etc.Sign up without any credit card and get 2500 free api requests daily.Our services are scalable and serves millions of request daily.
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New York State Capitol Building,Empire State Plaza Concourse,Albany County,12223-1500,United States Of America
Empire Airlines,Northeast 47th Avenue,Portland,Multnomah County,Oregon,97218,United States Of America
Peterson Co.,Empire Boulevard,Moonachie,Bergen County,New Jersey,07074,United States Of America
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Explore our products
Spell correction and more
Quickly check our products through our demo page and experience the speed and accuracy of our results.No need of login or registration.Spell check features which improves results and corrects errors. These features along with better aggregation of data makes our results better than opencage, tom tom, locationiq, arcgis, mapbox, mapquest, geocode xyz etc to name a few.
Reverse Geocoding Api
For Reverse gecoding our api hits the database multiple times to bring you the most relevant and accurate results.
Our Partners/ Our Clients
Our Clients belong from various fields like Fleet tracking, Data Enrichment, Logistics, Fintech, Image Processing, Event management, Payment Processing, Internet of things(IOT) and many more next genertion technologies.

Whats Under the hood.
Geokeo is developed from open source data available from various sources like- openstreetmap, geonames, natural earth etc and the geocoding engine takes features from nominatim, pelias etc. Multiple sources are analysed to bring more accurate results and also to improve the coverage of the data. More on the same can be found on our credits page.
Blazing Fast
Fast servers with response time below 100ms
Free Api
Free starter plan of generous 2500 api daily limit.
24x7 support
Easy support with in dashboard fast integration.
Multi Language Support
Support for most programming languages.
Easy Dashboard
Innovative and easy to use dashboard and one place find everything dashboard.
Multi Region servers
Servers located in multiple regions to provide reduced latency.and fault tolerance
99.9% Uptime
Least downtime due to multiserver setup.
Worlwide Coverage
Data based on various sources thus providing world wide coverage.