Under the Hood
To make geokeo possible data is collected from various opensource data and also few geocoding engines are used. Multiple sources are analysed to bring more accurate results and also to improve the coverage of the data. NLP and Machine learning is used to show better results with spell corrections and this enables us to provide more accurate results.

Open Street Map
Data from open street map is used and data is also used to update our servers.Openstreetmap is a open source platform updated by thousands of users daily. Openstreetmap

Open Addresses io
Data from open addresses io is used to enrich our data and provide more accurate results. Open Addresses
Many features from nominatim has been incorporated in our geocoding engine. Nominatim

Data from geonames with a huge dataset of over 20 million address has been used to enrich our data. GeoNames

Natural Earth Data
Some features from natural earth data has been used to further improve our datasets. Natural Earth Data

Geocoding engine of photon has been used to geocode our queries . Photon

Geocoding engine of pelias has been used to geocode our queries . Pelias