List of all suburb's in Switzerland with Latitude and Longitude

# Name Country Latitude Longitude Other Language Names
81 Lachen Switzerland 47.41936960007163 9.3517549 "name"=>"Lachen"
82 La Petite-Grébille Switzerland 47.117171219440635 6.801831278948542 "name"=>"La Petite-Grébille"
83 Leimbach Switzerland 47.3305108000912 8.5125393 "name"=>"Leimbach", "name:gsw"=>"Leibach"
84 Le Petit-Saconnex Switzerland 46.223170100306525 6.128105399999999 "name"=>"Le Petit-Saconnex"
85 Les Acacias Switzerland 46.19296170031156 6.1304269 "name"=>"Les Acacias"
86 Les Eaux-Vives Switzerland 46.20402190030972 6.1615598 "name"=>"Les Eaux-Vives"
87 Les Oches Switzerland 46.52869717795298 6.574328879932626 "name"=>"Les Oches"
88 Les Pâquis Switzerland 46.212205000308344 6.1487152 "name"=>"Les Pâquis"
89 Liebefeld Switzerland 46.93224040017505 7.4204692 "name"=>"Liebefeld", "name:de"=>"Liebefeld", "name:ru"=>"Либефельд"
90 Littau Switzerland 47.050527400150834 8.2598581 "name"=>"Littau"
91 Locarno Monti Switzerland 46.17314170031482 8.7887939 "name"=>"Locarno Monti"
92 Mâche/Mett Switzerland 47.14586630013089 7.2768882 "name"=>"Mâche/Mett", "name:de"=>"Mett", "name:fr"=>"Mâche"
93 Madretsch Switzerland 47.12908610013443 7.2567529 "name"=>"Madretsch", "name:de"=>"Madretsch", "name:fr"=>"Madretsch"
94 Mattenbach Switzerland 47.492855300055254 8.7429826 "name"=>"Mattenbach"
95 Matthäus Switzerland 47.567438800038424 7.591540400000001 "name"=>"Matthäus"
96 Melchenbühl Switzerland 46.93537110017444 7.496944999999999 "name"=>"Melchenbühl"
97 Mittelhäusern Switzerland 46.87618490018634 7.36711 "name"=>"Mittelhäusern"
98 Molino Nuovo Switzerland 46.0128967003405 8.957100299999999 "name"=>"Molino Nuovo"
99 Neustadt Switzerland 47.1712183001255 8.515333799999999 "name"=>"Neustadt"
100 Neustadt / Nouvelle ville Switzerland 47.1349047001332 7.242764400000001 "name"=>"Neustadt / Nouvelle ville", "name:de"=>"Neustadt", "name:fr"=>"Nouvelle ville"

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