List of all state's in Ecuador with Latitude and Longitude

# Name Country Latitude Longitude Other Language Names
21 Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas Ecuador -0.3158525999680449 -79.2224149 "name"=>"Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas"
22 Sucumbíos Ecuador -0.039137999995994134 -76.51196779999998 "ref"=>"SU", "name"=>"Sucumbíos", "name:ru"=>"Сукумбиос"
23 Tungurahua Ecuador -1.2765894998774179 -78.4754667 "ref"=>"TU", "name"=>"Tungurahua", "name:ru"=>"Тункурагуа"
24 Zamora Chinchipe Ecuador -4.062018299702611 -78.77515879999999 "ref"=>"ZC", "name"=>"Zamora Chinchipe", "name:ru"=>"Самора-Чинчипе"

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