List of all region's in Sudan with Latitude and Longitude

# Name Country Latitude Longitude Other Language Names
1 Atbay Sudan 22.000000000408335 34.99999999999999 "name"=>"عتباي", "name:ar"=>"عتباي", "name:de"=>"Atbay", "name:en"=>"Atbay", "name:fr"=>"Atbay", "int_name"=>"‘Atbāy, Atbay"
2 Nubia Sudan 20.000000000372406 31.999999999999993 "name"=>"النوبة", "name:ar"=>"النوبة", "name:de"=>"Nubia", "name:en"=>"Nubia", "name:fr"=>"Nubie", "alt_name"=>"النوبة", "int_name"=>"Nubia, Nubia", "name:ar1"=>"النوبة"
3 Tagabo Hills Sudan 14.630889417698588 25.84490270124848 "name"=>"Tagabo Hills", "alt_name"=>"Berti Hills"

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