List of all region's in Ghana with Latitude and Longitude

# Name Country Latitude Longitude Other Language Names
1 Guinea Ghana 5.149999999496166 -1.7499999999999998 "name"=>"Guinea", "name:cs"=>"Guinea"
2 Upper East Region Ghana 10.807048099485176 -0.6870286 "ref"=>"UE", "name"=>"Upper East Region", "name:de"=>"Obere Ostregion", "name:en"=>"Upper East Region", "name:ru"=>"Верхний Восточный", "name:uk"=>"Верхня Східна"
3 Upper Guinean forests Ghana 6.349999999428308 -2.6099999999999994 "name"=>"Upper Guinean forests", "name:cs"=>"lesy Horní Guineje", "alt_name"=>"lesy Horní Guiney"
4 Zonno-Zoore Ghana 10.789080425515184 -0.753241855875868 "name"=>"Zonno-Zoore", "loc_name"=>"Zonzoore"

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