List of all region's in Belgium with Latitude and Longitude

# Name Country Latitude Longitude Other Language Names
1 Thiérache Belgium 49.89421461406353 4.114393683101261 "name"=>"Thiérache"
2 Zeelandic Flanders Belgium 51.32194228198881 3.7921798771069875 "name"=>"Zeeuws-Vlaanderen", "name:de"=>"Seeländisch Flandern", "name:en"=>"Zeelandic Flanders", "name:es"=>"Flandes zelandés", "name:fr"=>"Flandre zélandaise", "name:it"=>"Fiandre zelandesi", "name:nl"=>"Zeeuws-Vlaanderen", "old_name"=>"Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen"

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