List of all island's in Moldova with Latitude and Longitude

# Name Country Latitude Longitude Other Language Names
1 Insula Cailor Moldova 45.462896636172104 28.20627199326312 "name"=>"Insula Cailor", "name:ru"=>"Лошадиный Остров", "name:uk"=>"Острів Коней"
2 Insula Senokosnîi (Fînețu) Moldova 48.2529737998767 26.6837119 "name"=>"Insula Senokosnîi (Fînețu)"
3 Insula vacilor Moldova 47.147252478350836 29.10464038660444 "name"=>"Insula vacilor", "name:ru"=>"Коровий остров", "name:uk"=>"Коров'ячий острів"

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