List of all county's in Wales with Latitude and Longitude

# Name Country Latitude Longitude Other Language Names
61 West Glamorgan Wales 51.58333299916172 -3.7499999999999996 "name"=>"Gorllewin Morgannwg / West Glamorgan", "name:cy"=>"Gorllewin Morgannwg", "name:en"=>"West Glamorgan"
62 West Lothian Scotland 55.91666699975292 -3.4999999999999996 "name"=>"West Lothian"
63 West Sussex England 50.99999999924944 -0.41666699999999995 "name"=>"West Sussex"
64 Wiltshire England 51.2499999992085 -1.9166669999999997 "name"=>"Wiltshire"

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